Inoxsystem line - Customized channel with grating in stainless steel

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Line 0910
Standard channel with grating with siphoned gully under the channel

line 0910 Standard channel with grating with siphoned gully under the channel in stainless steel

line 0910 channel section in stainless steel

Technical details:
- Channel with grating
- Standard odor trap version
- Gully with outlet Ø 63, h 130-170
- Odor trap and filter basket
- Other details at pages 10-11

Recommended for: Kitchens, Restaurants and Food Processing Departments
line 0910 outlet pipe orientation in stainless steel

Line 2050
Channel with grating with siphoned gully with square top plate

line 2050 Channel with grating with siphoned gully with square top plate in stainless steel

line 2050 channel section in stainless steel

Technical details:
- Channel with grating
- Gully with square
   top plate version

- Top plate mm 300x300,outlet Ø 110, h 220
- Odor trap and filter basket
- Other details at pages 9-10

Recommended for: Civil, Industrial and Food Use
line 2050 outlet pipe orientation in stainless steel

Line 2150
Channel with grating with siphoned gully with grating

line 2150 Channel with grating with siphoned gully with grating in stainless steel

line 2150 channel section in stainless steel

Technical details:
- Channel with grating
- Gully with
   grating version

- Gully mm 300x300 with grating, outlet Ø 110, h 220
- Odor trap and filter basket
- Other details at pages 10-11

Ideal for: Kitchens, Restaurants and Food Processing Departments
line 2150 outlet pipe orientation in stainless steel

Line 0810
Channel with grating with direct outlet pipe

line 0810 Channel with grating with direct outlet pipe in stainless steel

line 0810 channel section in stainless steel

Technical details:
- Channel with grating
- No odor trap version
- Direct outlet pipe Ø 63, h 100
- Filter basket upon request
- Other details at pages 10

Ideal with “heel-proof grating” for Swimming Pools, Terraces, Shower Stalls, Gyms, Public Areas
line 0810 outlet pipe orientation in stainless steel
  • * All measures can be modified upon request.

  • * These drawings are property of INOXSYSTEM®.They cannot be used or copied without our formal permission.